Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Earn your Degree Online

In case you haven't noticed, the ads are back!  I don't know what made them go away.  I don't know what got them to return.  I don't know how to make them advertise something a little bit better than Get Cancer Info, sign up for ITT Tech or... well, that's about the main two forms of ads on this blog.  Apparently the good folks at ITT love people with cancer and the people that read about people with cancer.  It'd be great if when you arrived at the site you could win prizes, get discounts on hotels or airfare or shop for expensive cars.  Those ads have never popped up as far as I know and I don't have the foggiest idea as to how to make them.  It could be that somehow they know my general audience can't afford nice thing or vacations.  In which case, you've only got yourselves to blame.  I do know that if you CLICK ON AN AD someone pays me money.  I haven't seen any of that money yet, I'm hoping it slowly builds into an amount large enough to one day, I don't know, maybe buy a full tank of gas.  A guys gotta dream. 

It's probably considered bad form in the blog universe to dedicate a post to reminding readers to CLICK ON AN AD but fuck it.  I don't care.  If you've been a reader of this blog then you should know by now that the things people say you are or are not supposed to do rarely matter to me.  Those pennies don't just grow on trees. 

CLICK ON AN AD.  Help a marginally talented, perpetually unemployed writer/actor Earn A Buck.  So I don't have to actually Get A Job. 

1 comment:

  1. I clicked on the ITT ad, needless to say, it changed my life. Now, I'M ON A BOAT! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME 'CAUSE I'M SAILING ON A BOAT!
