Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's the Final Countdown!

Duh-duh-duh du!  Duh-duh-dut-dut-duh! 
Duh-duh-duh du!  Duh-duh-dut-dut-dut- duh!
Duh-duh-duh du!  Duh-duh-dut-dut-duh!
Duh-duh-duh du!  Duh-duh-dut-dut-dut-dut-duh-dut-dut-duh dut-dut-duuuuuuuhhhh!

This song has been in my head for the last three days.  Hopefully it's in yours now too. 

I was never a Heavy Metal fan.  I find it to be totally obnoxious and moronic.  If you're into it, that's fine.  I won't think less of you.  Not much anyway.  I know my intense dislike of this form of music is odd since rumor has it that the Maine State House once voted to make Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home the state anthem.  Their are still a couple dozen radio stations dedicated to just this kind of mind-numbing drivel.  You'd think it'd be in my blood.  Just like my love of Allen's Coffee Brandy, cars on blocks in the front-yard (excuse me, door-yard) and wearing flannel shirts for formal occasions.  Somehow Heavy Metal eluded me. 

The reason this terrible Europe song is in my head is because I am in My Final Countdown.  In a good way, not a terminal way - just to clear that up.  I had my second to last session of chemo today.  That means I am two weeks away from my final dose of chemo.  I don't know exactly how long this horrible excuse for a song spans but when I listen to it it sounds like it goes on for two weeks.  After that I get about a month long break.  What am I doing during that break you ask?  My Lovely Girlfriend.  No, that sentence is not missing any words. 

All that's left after that is a month of radiation and then with any luck, a clean bill of health.  IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!


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