Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where's my Wish?

There needs to be a charity group that helps adults with one illness or an other live out their dreams.  Similar to The Make a Wish Foundation only with more mature leanings.  Whereas a little boys dream might be getting on the baseball or football field of his favorite team and meeting his favorite player a man's dream would more likely be to run the General Managers office during the trade deadline or the free-agent signing period.  Or perhaps a man's dream would be to punch their favorite team's over priced free-agent flop or billionaire owner in the face.  Either way, if that same man is dying from something, that spoiled athlete and plutocrat owner should take it in the face.

Say I want to work over a perp NYPD Blue style to get a confession but don't want to take the time to join the Police Academy and work my way up the ranks plus I've got cancer so people naturally give me way more sympathy than a normal lazy person would get there should be a charity group that makes this happen.  How bout a visit to the infamous Grotto at Hef's place?  Where is the charity group that helps me fulfil this wish?  A chance to mastermind a million dollar art heist Ocean's Eleven style?  Wrestle control of New York from the Five Families?  Make It Rain like Pacman Jones?  Someone to pony up about five million so my writing partner and I can finally get a script made?  Hell, make it ten million, let's do it up right.  I don't think I'm asking too much here.

Let's fulfil some dreams for the ladies too.  I'm not certain exactly what they're into but if I had to guess it would be along the lines of a lingering hug from Shaun Cassidy?  Maybe a chance to sit in the audience at an Oprah Winfrey show?  "We're all getting Jelly of the MONTH CLUB!!!"  Cooking a five-star meal for their husband or boyfriend then cleaning it all up afterwards while he watches sports in the living room, his pants slightly undone to make room for that delicious dessert you've been working on all day?  Something along those lines.  Perhaps a chance to vote?  Oh, I'm being told they already have that one.  See ladies, even the most far fetched dreams can come true!

If this charitable organization doesn't already exist (and as usual I have not bothered to check) then it needs too.  I'm thinking the name should be a little grittier than Make a Wish with the whole shooting star logo.  How bout AdultWorld or Fantasyland or Spearmint Rhino.  Okay, I know those suggestion sound more appropriate for Adult Toy Shops and I'm certain that last one's taken but you get the point.

Loyal readers, make it happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great movie, rising star police detective gets cancer, has nothing to lose, 6 months to live (and catch his perp, played masterfully by Jackie Earle Haley) plays by his own rules and the department brass is loath to rein in a guy with cancer . . . let the interrogations begin! I smell an oscar nod.
