Wednesday, November 16, 2011


While perusing my traffic and audience statistics today I realized something.  I am big in Russia.  I'm not sure how this came about.  Like most everyone else that's ever tried to sell anything on craigslist, I've received those choppily written emails offering to pay well above the listed price in exchange for one form of money laundering or another.  I always eagerly give out my bank account info figuring that former Soviet Block identity theft is the perfect cover story to give my various creditors.  I also always ask them to follow me on twitter and hit me up on facebook, that's just good networking.  It's finally paying off!  As it turns out I've got a sizable international following and I'd say there is at least a pretty good chance that they are not all Russian Crime Lords.  They are probably friends of the various crime syndicates that heard good things about my blog and are now everyday readers.  What?  It's possible. 

So, since I already said hello to my Russian friends in the title of this post I would like to take this moment to welcome the rest of my international (and probably only partially criminal) followers.

To those in Germany I say - Guten Tag.  My buddies in Sweden get a big - Halla.  To my Indian friends - Namaste.  Hallo to those of you in both Iceland and The Netherlands.  Ciao to all my friends and relatives in Italy.  If I'm ever in Latvia I look forward to tracking down my one reader there to say Sveiki.  Hola!  To those in Spain and Venezuela that have been following along.  Oi!  To the readers in Brazil and I'd like a little credit for knowing the difference between Portuguese in Brazil and Portugal (no followers).  Salom to my readers in Israel and to my Egyptian readers, As Salaam alakum.  I'd say the fact that you both like my blogsite is a good indication that all the other differences can be worked out.  I'm a uniter not a divider.  Ya Su to those of you in Greece.  Ahoj to the loyal fans in Slovakia.  Finally a big Hello, Gidday Mate and Top o'the Morning to my the fans of the blog in Canada, The UK, Australia and Ireland.  Okay, I think that covers everybody.  If you are multi-multi-lingual and you are keeping track I used the informal greeting with everyone but the Russians.  I feel like we are all on a pretty informal basis at this point but I wanted to hedge my bets with the Russians.  They can be a tough crowd so I figured I'd be as respectful as possible.

If I left you and your country out please let me know and please feel free to tell anyone that you know in any other country about the julesfunwithcancer blog.  There are 196 countries in the world and I'd like to get at least one reader for each of them.  I'd be like the UN only sexy and handsome. 

1 comment:

  1. I took Russian for three years, so let me know if you need any further assistance communicating with your new blog followers, Jules. VERY nice multi-lingual language lesson in this blog post. I am impressed.
