Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pummelling little Tommy Hodgkin

At aproximately 12:30 on July 21st, 2011 I was given my diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma to which I replied - Excellent! That's the good kind, right?
After a brief moment of silence on the other end of the line while my surgeon was trying to figure out if I was either totally fucking nuts or wildly optimistic I hear a somewhat unsettled - Yes, that's one way to look at it.

Now, I realize that I have managed to get the Cadillac of Cancers at this point. I had done several days of research as all this was ramping up, the CT scans, the surgical consults, the actual biopsy, and everything I read told me that if you had to pick a cancer - like forced at gunpoint, pick one - Hodgkin's would have to be high on everyone's list. So for several days I had been plotting my Total and Complete Asskicking of little Tommy Hodgkin.

I was excited. It had been over two years since I'd been in a fight and that guy got slammed into a row of bolted down coin operated newspaper racks. A solid move that prompted at least one dude to break out his iphone and threaten to charge me with Police Brutality. (I am not a cop nor was it a costume party where I was dressed as one he was just incredibly hammered. Also, costume parties are lame.)

So back to Tommy Hodgkin and the Brutal Tarring I am now planning to hand out. Hodgkin's Lymphoma is The Good Kind and in my opinion that is the only way to look at it. I know just how lucky I got on the Cancer Spectrum and at the risk of calling my Ruthian shot and jinking myself in the proccess - I am calling my fucking shot! Not only will little Tommy Hodgkin get beaten like a rented mule but I will have fun doing it. Hopefully you all (as I write this You All is a constituency of me but hey, I'm confident in my popularity) will enjoy the ride as much as I do.

Also, no actual mules where harmed in the posting of this blog. Who rents a mule nowadays anyway?


  1. Beaten like a rented mule. Nice. What? Are we giving the red headed stepchild a day off?

  2. great attitude, Jules. i'm doing TNT and would recommend if for others wanting to support the cause.
