Friday, August 5, 2011

A Side Effect or a Sign?

I am now at Chemo Day +4 (WWII buffs should enjoy that reference, the rest of you need to pick up a book.) and I am constantly going through a mental checklist of possible chemo side effects. Sometimes I spend hours looking at myself in the mirror. Granted, I did that before I was diagnosed but now I'm not just admiring my chiseled features, I'm, GASP!, looking for imperfections.

No fatigue, no nausea, no... the other kind of nausea, no rashes, no night sweats, no hair loss (once that begins I'm cutting my hair into a Costanza and once it's all gone - really bad toupees) and no bleeding. Mental checklist complete. So far so good.

Then clean out of the blue this morning I wake up with... STIGMATA. You can imagine my surprise. Hanging onto my pills this morning was a near impossibility. The crown of thorns is not nearly as comfortable as it is stylish. None of these symptoms are in the Chemo and You work booklet. Not even in the Chemo Coloring Book!

I tell ya, if I've got to go through with being The Chosen One on top of beating Hodgkin's this is going to get really hectic.

In the mean time, you are all forgiven.

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